Saying No

Author: Sharon Capehart

I am sure you have said “yes” to someone before when you meant to say “no.” At that moment you feel vulnerable and wish you could have that moment back. You may have experienced the fear and guilt of hurting the other person’s feeling. However, you may be hurting yourself. You have to be bold and stand firm in decisions that affect your life and the people around you.

It is hypocritical to assume that being nice is the best solution for a situation that will snowball later into confrontations and arguments. In essence, it is a fact that you are not truthful in an instance when you tell someone “yes,” and mean “no,” instead. It says a lot about your character and sense of reasoning. Now wait a minute, don’t think you are being judged here, but sometimes we get caught up in things that relinquish our control over our own lives.

Pleasing others can be mentally exhausting and prevent you from fulfilling your own life’s purpose. It is quite all right to help others. The point, though, is that there are times when you won’t be able to do so.

Here are some tips that will help you to feel good about saying “no,” to someone:

• Be aware that you have only a set amount of time during the day to do what you need to do and so it is important to realize that there will be others who do not intentionally wish to distract you, but sometimes will. So your ability to be able to distinguish those time wasters will prove to be so invaluable to you for each day.

• Prioritize your day. Make room for things that may come up, but leave more time for your assignments. Never give yourself too much to do in a given day. It will consume you and then you will have the desire to leave the scene the minute someone comes by to ask you to do something for them.

• Follow your instincts. Never do something that your heart is not into. Be true to your inner man.

• Your reason for doing something and the motives of others must be equal.

• Never feel guilty about saying, “no.” It will only eat at you and create fear about what you will do the next time you have to say, “no.”

• Never let anyone pressure you into saying, “yes.” This also will make you feel guilty about your decision.

• How important is your,” yes,” to the situation. Is it warranted to do what you are asked to do? Is it something that can wait for another time and place? You may be asked to make a quick decision. Stick to your decision when you have made it. Don’t seem doubtful because the person will only insist and try to wear you down.

Saying, “no,” may prove to a lifesaver to teenagers and even to adults. Sometimes, we get caught up in certain situations because of the choices that we make to please others. Is it worth it?

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About the Author:

Whether from her home office in Dallas, Texas, or traveling around the country, SHARON CAPEHART, the Empress of Empowerment, makes it her mission to "wake up" women everywhere to the incredible potential they have long forgotten they possess. She is the author of "The Power 2 Be You!," creator of "A Woman's Path to Success" as well publisher of the FREE Power Up! ezine. Sharon's breakthrough "Path To Success" series helps women build a solid foundation for success as Sharon herself guides them on a journey to a life filled with excitement and personal power! "A Woman's Path To Success" is available now at

Sharon Capehart, Empress of Empowerment, is an Author, Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur. Sharon will help you build a solid foundation of confidence, cultivate a success-oriented mindset, and walk with you on your journey to a life filled with Passion, Excitement and Personal Power. For more information please visit

Do You Want Happiness?

Whatever you focus on, you will attract more of it.

So if you want to be happy, then be happy.

Most of us wait for something to come along that will make us happy - we say, yes I'll be happy then, when that thing happens, but until that time, no I'm not happy.

This is doing things the wrong way round.

You need to get happy first, then you will start to find more and more stuff to be happy about. Why not try it? It can't do any harm to just try it.

Maybe you don't see much to be happy about. Well OK, just focus on that little thing that there is, and keep your focus on that for as long as you can. It won't be long before you begin to see a lot more to be happy about.

Go on, try it now...

Find Happiness in 2008

by Faye Hollands

Step 1


I'm willing to bet you probably spend more time planning your weekends than you do planning to be happy! You need to put clear goals in place otherwise it's easy to stumble through life, getting lost in the daily grind. Sit down today and get creative - design the life you want to lead, organise how you're going to do it, and enjoy being in control of your own future. Aside from having clarity and direction, you'll find life's a lot more fun when you know where you're going!

Step 2


Now this isn't rocket science but given the obesity levels in Australia and general lack of well-being I think the obvious needs to be said. If you're sick, tired, and sluggish you're going to find it hard to be perky. Time and time again scientific evidence proves that healthy living can increase your levels of happiness. Stop putting time and effort into excuses and instead choose to invest in your well-being today. Go for a walk, drink more water - whatever you do, make it an investment in your wellbeing!

Step 3


Optimistic and positive people live longer, get sick less, are more successful, have better relationships, and are more likely to succeed in their careers. Those are all proven facts. Do you really need any more reasons to start being positive? Decide how you want to see the world, stop looking for the negative, and practice having a perky perspective today. There are millions of people in the world worse-off than you - write a list today of 5 things you have to be positive about and put a smile on your face. Being upbeat won't kill you!

Step 4


Good quality relationships, both personally and professionally, help reduce stress and depression, and increase your sense of well-being. Make a concerted effort to seek out positive, perky people and surround yourself with them everyday. Call your most fun friend now and make arrangements to see them this week, or join a new networking group to expand your social and professional circles.

Step 5


Stop saying 'When' and start living 'Now'. Are there any reasons why you would postpone being happy until tomorrow? Stop making excuses and start living your life today - no-one else can do if for you! Put your Perky Plan into place today, start living in the moment, and put mediocre behind you for good. Take responsibility for your happiness. After all, being upbeat can't kill you; but being glum just might!

Copyright (c) 2008 Outshine Consulting Pty Ltd

Faye Hollands, Director of Outshine Consulting, is a Certified Life Coach, Executive Coach and professional trainer with 15 years experience in financial and professional services. Faye's direct and to-the-point style of coaching, combined with NLP and Time Line Therapy techniques, provide her clients with fast, long lasting results in all areas of their life, career and business. Start realising your potential today!

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