7 Ways to Know the Elusive It!

How many people are still trying to find IT? You know what I mean, the elusive IT, your very own Genie in a bottle who will turn life's hurricanes into sunny days for you? After a lifetime of curiosity, study and personal experience I attracted IT! Yes, I found IT, my very own Genie who saved my life and allows me to play a bigger game. A bigger game is about creating your own reality instead of living life by default. Are you ready to find IT? May I suggest you are ready, otherwise you would be reading something else right now! Enjoy!

Did you ever play 'tag'?

Remember how fun it was to run and chase each other until we got close enough to stretch our little arms as far as they would reach and yell, "You're IT" then run away as fast as our little legs would carry us!

Over the years IT kept showing up on my radar screen as a mystery. You know what I mean; the elusive IT individuals seek outside themselves. Our very own Genie in a bottle to turn life's hurricanes into sunny days!

A lifetime of curiosity, studying ancient teachings, the newer sciences like quantum physics and applying what I learned, brought IT to me! Yes! I found IT and now you can too!

Here are 7 ways to experience YOUR truth, when you are ready. I suggest the fact you found this article may be a 'clue' that you are ready!

1. Be aware ... are you willing to open your mind and heart to another reality? Reality is not what your eyes show your mind; reality is what your mind creates for your eyes to see. New awareness invites you to explore who you are another way and create the reality you choose instead of playing small. There are millions of resources to expand awareness through Internet.

2. Be present ... Imagine outer life is a gigantic movie screen where every person, event and circumstance is on time and on purpose. When you are present, new awareness allows you to see beyond limiting beliefs and patterns. Every present moment is an invitation to expand awareness of yourself through personal 'experience' so you can play a bigger game!

3. Be focused ... everything is energy with power to cause things to happen including our beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and feelings. Our ability to think makes us creators! YIKES!

What we oppose grows so focus ONLY on what you DO want. End judgment, criticism, complaining, blame and other low vibration reactions. Why? Because focusing on what you do not want attracts more of the same! You creator you!

4. Be your word 100% ... this is huge family! Be authentic and be consistent! Keep your commitments unless there is mutual agreement to change them. Failing to be your word creates chaos within you that will show up on your movie screen in life. Continued chaos and escalation are repeat invitations to mature parts of you by coming into full integrity; a prerequisite to playing a bigger game.

5. Be grateful ... How we do the little things influences the bigger things in life. When life sends you a gift, regardless of how insignificant it may appear to you, receive with gratitude! Pick up that penny on the ground and exclaim, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am a money magnet!"

Let someone open that door or help you in other ways. Refusal ... is an energetic signal you are closed, causing life to redirect its many gifts to someone who is open to receive and grateful!

6. Be curious ... You are more than what meets the eye. Whatever shows up on your movie screen in life is your creation and within you is the ability to make quantum improvements. Google Consciousness; quantum physics; Law of Attraction; Charles F Haanel; Barbara Marx Hubbard; Wallace D Wattles; Our Ultimate Reality. Ask deeper questions!

7. Be IT ... the elusive IT is within you! The SOULution to every dilemma is inside you. Every present moment on your movie screen in life, IT is showing you what is truly going on inside you. It is showing you hidden parts of yourself ready to mature and play a bigger game! Every experience is an invitation to know the REAL you in body mind spirit!

The elusive IT we seek outside ourselves is Inner Truth or Spirit, a particle of Consciousness known by many names including God, Life, Yahweh, Allah, Universal Mind, All That Is or Other Name.

You are IT ... Inner Truth or Spirit
As IT uniquely expresses, experiences, expands
and evolves throughout eternity.

Instead of recommended chemo and radiation early 2007, my Inner Truth or Spirit restored wellness following the removal of a tumor found to be in stage 3 colon cancer. Pay IT forward will you?

Doreen blends 33 years in corporate with a lifetime of personal development and experiential learning to 'experience' truth rather than parrot others beliefs. Doreen's recipe for creating the life you truly want includes a curious mind, open heart and willingness to explore the unfamiliar.

Inspired by ancient wisdom and newer sciences like quantum physics, Doreen explored deep within herself where she found IT ... the elusive IT, her very own Genie in a bottle, opening a world of new beginnings and endless possibilities.

"I teach people how to remember truth. Whose truth? Inner truth or spirit, the only power that is real. I consider myself an Alchemist, helping people transform life's perceived hurricanes into sunny days."

In 2007, Doreen was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. Active cancer cells following surgical removal of the tumour called for chemo and radiation. Instead, Doreen connected within to the only Power that is Real and within 6 months her biology was restored to wellness naturally and permanently.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Doreen_Agostino