Am I Happy With Life?

By Ross G

It's an interesting question - am I happy with life? The answer to this is so subjective - take two people and put them in identical situations - you may find that one person feels happy and fulfilled, and the other person feels like something is missing.

There is no foolproof algorithm that can be applied to make people feel happy! In my own life, I am by nature not a person who often feels depressed / lonely or sad. Because of this, I have had difficulty in the past relating to people who are feeling these things. As a typical Australian, I have often responded with 'how bout they get over it!', or 'boo hoo for you, cry a river!'

However, in the past year my feelings have been changing. I'm not quite sure if this is because I'm getting older and therefore more aware of the 'greater picture', or if it's because I'm getting older and feeling like time is moving more quickly! It might even be more related my current situation - am I feeling fulfilled in some areas but not in others?

To help me understand this age old question, I have taken some time to explore why we feel this way. Obviously there are many stressors in life that can add to feelings of unhappiness, and there are plenty of personal circumstances that influence the way people feel also. I am a big believer that the perception of 'happiness' or living a life where you feel fulfilled ultimately starts with your mindset.

This is great news! Why? because you don't have to be subjected to the feelings that you and I experience (unhappiness, depression, lack of joy or apathy) forever! WHATEVER your personal situation, you can reach a place where you once again feel happy in your life.

Think for a moment: Why is it that we see some amazing stories about people who are subjected to horrible things then have an amazing recovery that sees them become leaders in their field & fantastic, inspiring public speakers that help others who have been hurt. Then we see others who have not had any major dramas in their life fall into emotional situations like depression and unhappiness?

I'm not suggesting that there is a quick fix for this problem! But I do have a greater understanding that the key to feeling happy with life involves a few truths:

- We need to realise that regardless of past experiences, there is so much to gain from life! - A key to having a happy, fulfilling life is understanding the power of your mindset - We can make a conscious decision to change our attitudes!

- Article posted in Life Choices

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